In this direction, protecting nature and benefiting from clean energy sources are among our missions.

At Glasscope, we are committed to protecting nature and harnessing the power of clean energy sources. It is our mission to contribute to a sustainable future by utilizing environmentally friendly practices throughout our production phase.

We understand the detrimental impact of current energy consumption on our environment, and that's why we take a holistic approach in planning our operations. Every decision we make takes into account the well-being of nature and aligns with our responsibility towards a better future.

We firmly believe that the products we offer should not only benefit the end user but also have a positive impact on the environment. Therefore, we prioritize maintaining a clean environment and promoting sustainable energy consumption at every stage of our business, from carefully selecting raw materials to implementing eco-conscious practices throughout our processes.

Compliance with specific criteria, both in the business environment and production process, is a fundamental principle we adhere to. By following these guidelines, we ensure that our operations are in line with our commitment to clean energy and environmental policies.

We are proud to share some of the initiatives we have implemented within the scope of our clean energy and environmental policies. We invite you to explore our website and learn more about how we are contributing to a greener future.

Thank you for visiting our website and joining us on this journey towards sustainability.



To plan processes in an effective and
environmentally conscious manner. To produce maximum energy saving in principle.



To produce products by a certain standard in terms of recycling and environmental efficiency.



Taking additional steps for recycling in the production facility.



To adopt our clean energy mission to our customers and stakeholders.



To make use of environmentally friendly technologies in energy and raw material consumption and to save money.



To benefit from environmentally friendly technologies in energy and raw material consumption, to save energy.

At Glasscope, we not only establish stringent standards for clean energy consumption and environmental policies, but also embed this ethos deeply within our company's internal structure, reflecting our unwavering commitment to sustainability as an integral part of our corporate identity.

You can read the Clarification Text on the protection of personal data here.