Double glazing 6-16-4 (with 90% Argon)
  Coating Position Colour EN 410 (2011) EN 673
LT (%) SF (%) LR ext (%) LR int (%) EA (%) SC Ug value W/(m2 .K)(1)
Stopray Ultra-70 on Clearvision(4) #2 Neutral 70 33 10 11 25 0,38 1.0
ipasol ultraselect 62/29 #2 Neutral 62 29 9 11 34 0,34 1.0
Stopray Ultra-60 #2 Neutral 60 28 13 14 38 0,33 1.0
Stopray Ultra-50 on Clearvision(4) #2 Neutral 50 23 18 14 32 0,26 1.0
Stopray Vision-70 & Vision-70T(2) #2 Neutral 70 35 14 15 26 0,40 1.0
Stopray Vision-62 & Vision-62T(2) #2 Neutral 61 33 15 13 33 0,38 1.0
Stopray Vision-52 & Vision-52T(2) #2 Neutral 51 27 16 13 38 0,31 1.0
Stopray Vision-40 & Vision-40T(2) #2 Neutral 40 21 19 15 39 0,24 1.0
Stopray Vision-60 #2 Neutral 61 35 15 18 37 0,40 1.0
Stopray Vision-60T(2) #2 Neutral 60 37 14 20 37 0,43 1.0
Stopray Vision-50 #2 Neutral 50 28 19 22 42 0,32 1.0
Stopray Vision-50T(2) #2 Neutral 50 30 17 22 40 0,34 1.0
Stopray SilverFlex #2 Neutral 44 27 48 46 22 0,31 1.0
Stopray Titanium 34T(2) #2 Grey 34 21 6 13 68 0,24 1.0
ipasol neutral 70/37 #2 Neutral 70 37 12 15 29 0,43 1.0
ipasol platin 47/29 #2 Silver 47 29 40 30 26 0,33 1.0
ipasol platin 25/17 #2 Silver 25 17 61 33 24 0,20 1.0
Stopray Smart 51/33 #2 Neutral 51 34 26 18 31 0,39 1.1
Stopray Smart 30/20 #2 Neutral bluish 30 21 29 15 47 0,24 1.1
Double glazing 6-16-4 (iplus 1.0 in #3 - with 90% Argon)
  Coating Position Colour EN 410 (2011) EN 673
LT (%) SF (%) LR ext (%) LR int (%) EA (%) SC Ug value W/(m2 .K)(1)
ipasol bright neutral #2 Neutral >55 >44 37 36 19 0,51 1.0
ipasol bright neutral #2 Neutral 55 44 37 36 19 0,51 1.0
Triple glazing 6-16-4-16-4 (coating in #2 - Clearvision - iplus 1.1 in #5 - with 90% Argon)
  Coating Position Colour EN 410 (2011) EN 673
LT (%) SF (%) LR ext (%) LR int (%) EA (%) SC Ug value W/(m2 .K)
Stopray Ultra-70 on Clearvision #2 Neutral 63 31 13 15 28 0,36 0.5
ipasol ultraselect 62/29 #2 Neutral 57 27 11 14 35 0,31 0.5
Stopray Ultra-60 #2 Neutral 55 26 15 18 28 0,31 0.5
Stopray Ultra-50 on Clearvision #2 Neutral 45 21 20 17 35 0,24 0.5
Stopray Vision-70 & Vision-70T(2) #2 Neutral 65 33 17 18 28 0,38 0.5
Stopray Vision-62 & Vision-62T(2) #2 Neutral 56 31 17 17 35 0,36 0.5
Stopray Vision-52 & Vision-52T(2) #2 Neutral 47 25 18 16 40 0,29 0.5
Stopray Vision-40 & Vision-40T(2) #2 Neutral 37 19 20 18 41 0,22 0.5
Stopray Vision-60T(2) #2 Neutral 55 34 16 23 40 0,39 0.5
Stopray Vision-60 #2 Neutral 56 32 17 21 39 0,37 0.5
Stopray Vision-50T(2) #2 Neutral 46 28 19 24 41 0,32 0.5
Stopray Vision-50 #2 Neutral 46 26 20 24 44 0,30 0.5
Stopray SilverFlex #2 Neutral 41 25 49 45 23 0,29 0.5
ipasol neutral 70/37 #2 Neutral 65 35 15 18 31 0,40 0.5
ipasol platin 47/29 #2 Silver 44 27 42 31 28 0,31 0.5
ipasol platin 25/17 #2 Silver 23 16 61 34 25 0,18 0.5

(1) Identical values for a 15 or 16 mm spacer.

(3) Inner pane Planibel Clearvision.

(2) This coating must be heat-treated to reach its final performances and aesthetics. It can not be used annealed.



Double glazing 6-16-4 (with 90% Argon)
  Coating Position Colour EN 410 (2011) EN 673
LT (%) SF (%) LR ext (%) LR int (%) EA (%) SC Ug value W/(m2 .K)(1)
Energy 72/38 & Energy 72/38T (2) #2 Neutral 72 38 13 14 26 0,44 1.0
Energy 65/41 #2 Neutral 65 41 25 24 21 0,48 1.0
Energy 65/42S (3) #2 Neutral 65 42 26 24 21 0,48 1.0
Energy 72/38-AF (4) #1 #2 Neutral 66 35 16 16 36 0,41 1.0
Triple glazing 6-16-4-16-4 (coating in #2 - Clearvision - iplus 1.1 in #5 - with 90% Argon)
Energy 72/38 & Energy 72/38T (2) #2 Neutral 66 35 16 18 29 0,40 0.5
Energy 65/41 #2 Neutral 60 38 28 26 24 0,44 0.5
Energy 65/42S (3) #2 Neutral 60 38 28 26 25 0,44 0.5

(1) Identical values for a 15 or 16 mm spacer.

(3) Single stock product: it can be used for both annealed and heat-treated glass applications, while offering similar aesthetics and performances.

(4)AF: Anti-fog coating

(2)This coating must be heat-treated to reach its final performances and aesthetics. It can not be used annealed.


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